Parent lightly
At Parent Lightly, we believe that time is your most precious asset. Our goal is to help you figure out what matters most to you. Then we can help you figure out if you’re using your time wisely and how to make more time to spend on family, career, volunteering, relationships – the things that bring life meaning!
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How to Set Flexible Goals and Why it Matters
Recently, I listened to a podcast episode that was about goal setting. The podcaster gave an example of how to make a vague goal more specific. The vague goal was “Get in shape” and the specific goal was “Jog 2 miles every morning at 7 am.” Now, this is one of my favorite podcasts and…

The Super-Productive Hybrid Digital and Paper Planning System that Will Keep You Organized
As I’ve said before, I was a digital planner for years. My calendar and to-do list are constantly changing, and keeping everything in my phone makes it super easy. Why carry around a paper planner, I reasoned, if I can just keep everything in my phone? That worked really well for me for years. But…

Full Focus Planner Review of Classic, Bold, and Coil
I have to make a confession, and I feel like I’m in the minority on this. I love planning but I haven’t used a paper planner since college. Back in the day, I loved my At-A-Glance refillable planner and tracked everything there – upcoming papers, projects, exams and more. In college, I earned two degrees…

How to Get Better at Estimating Time Accurately
Many productivity and time management experts recommend time blocking as a great way to be hyper-productive. If you’re a professional who spends a lot of time in meetings, your days can easily be eaten up by meetings and meeting transitions. When you need to accomplish deep work, time blocking is crucial. Experts often skip over…