Master List System Special Offer

Feel like you’re forgetting something? 

You probably are.

Thank you so much for subscribing!

If you want to actually remember all of your home management tasks, this workbook is for you. It’s jam packed with templates and examples. The book walks you through six simple steps to take control of your master list once and for all. 

I want to say thank you for joining our community.

So, for a limited time, I’m offering this game-changing 6 step workbook AND a list of 500+ tasks to jump start your list for just $12 – that’s 70% off!

If you’re always forgetting important tasks at home, I created the  Master List System for you. I know it will help you feel more calm and organized.

What’s Inside?

Get it all down on paper.

All of those tasks that are floating around in your head? You’ll sleep better at night once you write them down.

Roll up your sleeves.

Over 10 pages of templates help your work through your master list – step by step. Take control of your list in 6 simple steps.

Get Inspired.

An excel spreadsheet of 500+ daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly & yearly tasks will be a great starting point for your own list

Always learning.

I’m always improving so you can too. Once you buy this system, I’ll send you updates for free. 

Get instant access to the Master List System now for only $12!

If you’re ready to be more productive and organized than you’ve EVER been before, this book is packed with resources that will help you master your home to-do list, once and for all.  

And as a bonus, I’ve included 500+ daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly & yearly tasks to help you start your list. This will save you a TON of time! 

The Master List System is regularly priced at $40 . As a thank you for joining our community you can buy it now for 70% off!

This offer is only good for a limited time, so act now…

Not sure this is right for you?

No worries. I get it. You want the details before you invest. Cool. 

Let me tell you a little about the Master List System. 

  1. 1I’ve started your list for your with a categorized spreadsheet of 500+ tasks. The list is organized by category (home, financial, kids, etc.) and by frequency (annually to daily). I a bunch of research here to give you a major head start on your own list. 
  2. 2There are 12 templates for you to use.  As you work through the Master List system, you will want to make and organize your list. The book is packed with helpful templates that you can use to make this system your own.
  3. 3The book includes 10 pages of examples and tutorials.  Around here, we do not gloss over the details. That’s where the devil (aka time suck and motivation drain) is. The Master List system includes plenty of examples to show you how to use the templates. It also has tons of tutorials to help you figure out how to schedule and track your tasks. 

The Best Time to Start Mastering Your List  is Now!

Do NOT let your household to-do list get the best of you. Take those tasks that are floating around in your head – and draining your energy – and handle them once and for all.  Don’t wait – get started right now with the Master List System. Click to get your copy delivered instantly.  It’s just $12 (that’s 70% off!) and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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Beth Cubbage

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