Know your Priorities

Financial Literacy for Kids under 10: How to make sure that your kids grow up to be responsible with money

Financial Literacy for Kids under 10: How to make sure that your kids grow up to be responsible with money

American’s aren’t very confident when it comes to some aspects of money management. Sure, most people are able to balance their checkbook and pay bills on time. But just 63% of men and slightly over half of women feel confident in the process of taking out a loan.  Money management isn’t just about paying bills…

Learn the one skill that all successful people share: knowing how to prioritize at work and in life

Learn the one skill that all successful people share: knowing how to prioritize at work and in life

Do you constantly feel like time is your enemy? I often feel this way on a busy day. I’m racing the clock to make it to a meeting from a late school bus pick up or trying to get 10 tasks done before I have to leave work for the day. Why do working parents…

Simplify the Holidays, Spend More Time with Your Family and Capture the Spirit of the Season

Simplify the Holidays, Spend More Time with Your Family and Capture the Spirit of the Season

You could keep yourself busy 24/7 during the holiday season. Between endless shopping, parties, kids events, cookie baking and decorating the house, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s especially true when you’re a working mom and have to actually try to work in December. I’m here to tell you that you can have a…

How I Failed at All Things Meal Prep and What You Can Learn From It: A Meal Prep Service Review

How I Failed at All Things Meal Prep and What You Can Learn From It: A Meal Prep Service Review

I can’t cook like a chef. Or a line cook. Or even a 10 year old with a spatula. I’ve tried various meal prep services, hoping to change this about myself. But I’ve finally realized something important. Meal prep and planning services are for people who actually like to cook. These services are for people who…