Six Creative Ways You Can Find Time to Exercise Even When It Seems Like There Aren’t Enough Hours in the Day

Your running shoes are gathering dust in the closet.

You haven’t seen the inside of your gym in months.

The only weight you’ve been lifting is your wiggly child.

Between work and parenting, it can seem like there are no extra hours in the day. Exercise quickly falls way down on our list, far below keeping our job and making sure we’re feeding our child. Physical activity is so important to your well-being, though, so you’ve got to get creative if you’re a working mom!

Here are six ways you can find time to exercise during the week – and not feel like you’re taking quality time away from the things that matter most.


I, for one, hate giving up my sleep in the morning. I know many, many others – particularly parents – who love getting their workout in first thing. When you’re up before the sun, you know that nothing will derail you from exercising. Just slip out of bed, leave your partner on kid duty and get it done. You’ll have to do something quiet, of course, like go for a run or go to the gym. The trick is to make sure you don’t wake anyone up when you’re heading out the door. You may want to build a little quiet alone time into the schedule as well after you’ve finished your workout. This is an invigorating way to start the day! Just be aware of your energy levels and make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day. The last thing you want is to crash in the afternoon.  If you’re up for an early wake-up call, morning exercise can be a great way to fit a workout into your busy schedule.


If you have access to a gym, or even a shower at the office, lunchtime can be a great time to exercise. Fit in some weight lifting if you’ve got a gym close by or go for a jog. If you don’t have access to a shower, choose something less strenuous, like a walk. Lunchtime exercise provides a great mental break in your day, and you’ll return to your desk energized for the afternoon. Working out at lunch is a fantastic option if you can schedule it into your workday.


Many families have busy evenings, but if you have free time after work you might just be looking at a great chance to exercise with your kids! If you have small children, take them for a jog in a jogging stroller or pull them in a bike trailer. Older kids can ride scooters or bikes while you run beside them. If the kids want to go to the park, you can use that as a chance to run laps or do some body-weight exercises. Whatever works, right?! Outdoor exercise is a great option for everyone during the summer months when it stays light later in the day. When you’re cooped up inside due to bad weather or dark winter nights, try doing a workout video. The kids can watch or even participate. My kids love to try the moves and make hilarious comments when I do workout videos in the living room. It’s always amusing, and everyone has fun. Exercising with kids has so many benefits – you spend quality time with them and demonstrate a healthy lifestyle while also completing your workout. Talk about multitasking!

After Bedtime

After your kids are in bed, you can exercise guilt-free! You’re not taking any quality time away from your children when you work out after they are asleep. Put your partner on kid duty and head out for a run, gym workout or exercise class. Even better – plan a workout date night with your partner and hire a babysitter so you can’t bail! My husband and I love to go to the rock climbing gym or Taekwondo sparring class together in the evenings after the kids go to bed. It’s a fun way to bond as a couple, do an adult activity, socialize and work out all at the same time! The tough part is getting yourself motivated after a long day of working and parenting. If you get in the habit, though, post-bedtime is a wonderful time to get your workout in.

All the Time

You may feel that none of these times of day will work for you. If your life is just too hectic right now, don’t worry. Focus on incorporating movement into your everyday life! Park far from your office building to get some extra steps. Take the stairs whenever you can. Walk or ride your bike if possible. Start doing walking meetings with your co-workers. Take a few minutes to do a short body-weight exercise routine in your office or bedroom. If you really focus on incorporating movement into your daily activities, you’ll find that it makes a huge difference.


Lots of working parents are simply too busy or too exhausted to exercise during the week. These parents might decide to get two really good, long workouts on Saturday and Sunday. This is especially useful if you enjoy distance running, road biking or another sport that is time-consuming. Even with creative scheduling, your weekdays simply might not allow you to do a lengthy workout. That’s what weekends are for! When you incorporate regular movement and shorter workouts during the week, a weekend-heavy workout routine can be very effective!

Make it Happen

Remember – it’s not about fitting into your old jeans, or looking great in a bikini. You’re not being selfish when you take time to yourself to exercise! You’re investing in your ongoing physical energy, which is a major benefit to your family. Next time you feel guilty, or are tempted to skip your workout – remind yourself who you’re doing this for and make it happen!

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