Author: BethC

Never Forget a Soccer Game or Work Dinner Again! Schedule Your Life with a Shared Family Calendar in Google Calendar

Never Forget a Soccer Game or Work Dinner Again! Schedule Your Life with a Shared Family Calendar in Google Calendar

In a busy family, it can be really hard to keep track of what’s happening. Just this week, my husband was traveling for work, my older daughter had soccer and both kids went to Taekwondo. I had a movie night with friends and we had a long weekend trip planned. That’s pretty typical! Things get…

This Printable Bedtime Routine for Kids will Guide You Through the Hardest Part of the Day

This Printable Bedtime Routine for Kids will Guide You Through the Hardest Part of the Day

Bedtime is a really hard part of the day. Right? You’re all at the end of your rope. Your kids have no restraint left. Listening ears have left the building. It happens exactly when your patience has reached zero. You’ve spent it all on getting out the door on time, dealing with work issues and pulling dinner…

How to be Grateful in a World of Social Media, Mom Guilt and Constant Comparison

How to be Grateful in a World of Social Media, Mom Guilt and Constant Comparison

When I was in college, I loved reading fitness magazines. It was so inspiring to get workout ideas and healthy eating tips. Then I started to notice something that I didn’t like. I was usually pretty happy with my body and weight before the magazine arrived each month. But after I’d flipped through the pages of toned women…

How to Stop Procrastinating and Live a Happier Life with the One Minute Rule
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How to Stop Procrastinating and Live a Happier Life with the One Minute Rule

One minute. Sixty seconds. You can do anything for one minute. Right? I initially learned about the value of one minute from a decluttering book. The author’s premise was simple: if the task will take you less than a minute to complete, do it now. Don’t wait, because soon those one minute tasks pile up…